Milwaukee 49-22-0030 Description
The 3 Piece Self-feed Bit Plumbers’ Set created for end users who demand a clean, easy and cost effective solution to hole cutting in the most popular sizes. The Milwaukee 49-22-0030, 3 Piece Self-feed Bit Plumbers’ Set, offers best in class performance in the most important respects.
Milwaukee 49-22-0030 Includes
- Self feed Bits: 1-1/2″, 2 “, 2-9/16 “
- (6) Feed Screws
- Hex Key
Milwaukee 49-22-0030 Features
- Inside Cutting Plane – Produces clean smooth holes.
- Heat Treated Alloy – Maximum durability and wear resistance.
- Resharpenable – Longer bit life-Less time and money buying a new bit.
- Replaceable Feed Screw – Effortlessly pulls bit through material.